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Who Knew Wisdom Teeth Could Hurt So Much?

Do You Remember?

Wow! Remember when you were a baby, and you were cutting teeth. It hurt so bad that you cried, and your mother had to get you Orajel? Of course you don't. So, when you get older, and your wisdom teeth start to come in, you think the world is coming to an end!

What is This Pain?

You did not even, ever think to imagine what it feels like, when these massive teeth are trying to cut through your gums, pushing other teeth out of the way. There is also some cases where infection, along with pain and swelling happens. This is of course prior to getting them pulled out by a professional. Some people are lucky enough, never to get wisdom teeth, or feel the pain of them coming in.

Relief Is In Sight!

However for those that do, experience the pain, there is now relief. There is a new product designed and manufactured in Great Britain. It is a unique design. It is shaped somewhat like lipstick, as you can make it longer to reach further in your mouth. Small enough to carry in your pocket, or make up bag. You bite down on it, to feel instant relief. It is just like a baby teether only long, instead of round. You keep it chilled, until you need it. It can be wiped clean, then a plastic cap put over it for sanitary reasons.

Where Can You Get It?

Right now, it is only available in the UK, due to high costs of meeting regulations and shipping elsewhere. You can buy it on Amazon UK though. They hope to be able to distribute to other countries in the near future though.


Check out their website to know more about wisdom tooth pain, and Amazon UK for reviews, then order yours!

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