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Dealing with Wisdom Tooth Pain

Most people don’t have their wisdom teeth grow in until they are in their late teens and their mouths are often not sized appropriately to accommodate all of these teeth. Pain often ensues at several points in this process and finding ways to cope and manage this pain is important to restore some sort of stability to your life. Anybody who has ever suffered from significant tooth pain will understand that tooth pain can be significant and debilitating and that measures are needed to combat this pain in whatever way possible.

When Wisdom Pain Hits

When most of your teeth grow in you are often too small to remember the wisdom tooth pain. You will often see your children or infants experiencing this significant pain and struggling through it. To manage this pain, you will often have to find ways to treat it. However, there is not one type of pain associated with wisdom teeth. You can experience swelling in your gums as your teeth grow in, have painful pressure in your mouth as these new wisdom teeth put pressure on the other teeth in your mouth, and have growing pains as your wisdom teeth settle into your mouth. If there is not enough room in your mouth for these wisdom teeth, you may need to have them extracted and that opens up a whole new level of pain going forward.

Treating Pain in You Wisdom Teeth

If you have pain in your wisdom teeth you should immediately see a dentist. They can recommend extracting your wisdom teeth or prescribe you with pain killing medication that is significantly stronger than over the counter medications. For minor pain, over the counter medications like orajel can help. Also try rinsing you mouth with salt water and applying tea compresses to reduce your gum swelling and reduce your pain from wisdom teeth growing in.

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